Start Today.

If we spend all our time wishing we were as far along as someone else, we’d waste our days wanting someone else’s life that was never intended to me ours.

Is there something you’ve been wanting to do but you don’t know where to start? Are you wondering what your first step should be? I’m going to let you in on a big secret. The first step is:


That’s it. Just START. Do ONE thing to move you forward. You'll never get anywhere sitting on the sidelines.

For years, I’ve had it on my heart to share more of my journey with others. I did all the brainstorming, research and planning. But I was afraid to start until I had it all mapped out perfectly. Then one day I finally decided to throw myself into the arena, and so here I am. This is all so new to me, but being an expert and starting out with thousands of followers isn’t what matters. What’s important is that you show up—TODAY. Right now. Decide ONE thing you can do today to move forward. And then go do it!

Want to be a healthier version of you? Start today. Go for a walk. Make a healthier swap at one meal.

Want to grow your faith? Start today. Spend 10 minutes in prayer. Even if it is in your car.

Want to start your own business? Start today. Put yourself out there. Talk to one person. Write one post for social media.

Want to declutter? Start today. Walk around your house with a trash bag for 15 minutes.

Whatever it is that has been weighing on your heart, I guarantee you can think of one step you can take, one thing you can do today. It doesn’t matter how big or small. All that matters is that you START TODAY.

Amy Martin